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Daisuke IIDA





























ヘンデル・コレギウム、City Baroque 芸術監督。香港Die Konzrtistenゲスト楽団員。日中文化交流協会会員。アジア芸術国際交流委員会長。

スカンジナビア・ニッポン ササカワ財団2020年海外派遣助成受賞者(スウェーデン”ルーマン”研究)。​手兵Handel Collegiumを国内・海外公演で成功させるなど手腕を発揮し東京、香港、台湾などアジアを中心としたバロック音楽啓蒙活動をライフワークに据え活動。弟子の育成にも情熱を注ぎ現在までに門下生は東京芸術大学、桐朋学園大学などへ進学、また台湾・高雄にも古楽アンサンブ門下を育成しバロック奏法指導に従事。都立新宿高校卒業後渡英、イギリス・ロンドン・ギルドホール音楽院へ進学。バイオリンをゲルハルト・シュミット氏 (ウイーン・フィル)、バロック・バイオリンをオリバー・ウエバー氏(London Handel Players)に師事。優れた両名教師に見出され徐々に頭角を現し古楽へ傾倒、帰国後は桐朋学園大学音楽学部CollegeDipolomaコースを経て東京芸術大学古楽科にて更なる研鑽を続けた。


2016年、2017年と香港を代表する学府・香港中文大学より公式招聘を受け”ヘンデル・コレギウム海外公演”を大学Chung Chi College Chapelにて開催、大成功を収めた。香港City Chamber orchestra・ギャリー・ガン氏、香港古楽協会・ティム・ラム氏、香港フィル首席オーボエ・マイケル・ウイルソン氏、香港中文大学アン・ラム氏などと共演。イギリス拠点のArcangelo芸術監督の英国人ジョナサン・コーエンとは、ヘンデル・メサイアを香港Cammmer Musicus(古楽器アンサンブル)セカンド首席として共演。公演は香港初となる香港人による歴史的奏法による演奏会として注目を集めた。その後、2019年1月、香港にて”Arcangelo”メンバーと再びバッハのロ短調ミサで共演。Early Music Society of Hong Kong(香港古楽協会)定期演奏会への客演、香港一の合唱団”Die Konzertisten”と宗教曲をSt.John Cathedralにて共演など交流を重ね厚い信頼関係で結ばれている。2016年12月台湾高雄のバロック・アンサンブルへの客演で定期演奏会に招聘。2017年12月には台湾高雄市・国立中山大学・音楽学部より招聘されバロック・マスタークラスを開講。今までに共演した芸術家らは飯田氏に称賛を送り日本国内ならず国際的にも大きな信頼を寄せられている。現在までに自主公演による定期演奏会、定期チャペル演奏会シリーズは累計180回以上を数え多くのファンを魅了してきた。主なレパートリーは、得意なG.F.ヘンデルの器楽曲からH.パーセル、A.コレッリ、A.ヴィヴァルディ、リュリ、クープラン、そしてJ.S.Bachまでを網羅し聴衆にバロック音楽の魅力を紹介し続けている。



現在までに各氏に師事。元読売日本交響楽団・首席バイオリン奏者・宮下要氏。Bach Collegium Japan・18世紀オーケストラ奏者・バロック・バイオリニスト若松夏美氏、室内楽・通奏低音などをフォルテピアニスト渡邊順生氏、トラベルソ奏者有田正広氏、バロックチェリスト鈴木秀美氏、オルガニスト鈴木雅明氏より指導を受けた。サンクトペテルブルグ国際指揮者マスタークラスにてマリンスキー劇場・ロイヤル・オペラハウスなどオペラで活躍の世界的指揮者アレクサンダー・ポリアニチコ氏にロシア伝統的指揮を教わる。指揮法を元武蔵野音大指揮科教授・甲斐正雄氏に師事。


Daisuke Iida

Baroque violinist & Violist / Artistic Director

Mr. Daisuke Iida was born in 1983, in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, to a family of Chinese heritage. The member of JAPAN-CHINA CULTURAL EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION.Mr. Iida is active internationally as a Baroque musician based in Asia, including in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and as artistic director of Handel Collegium, City Baroque, and Choir.

Mr. Iida’s life’s work is to promote Baroque music in Asia and overseas. Under his direction, the Handel Collegium achieved international success in overseas concerts and has grown into one of the leading Asian Baroque professional orchestras, with an unparalleled passion and skill for training young talents.

In Hong Kong, Mr. Iida performed with Mr. Gary Ngan of the City Chamber orchestra, Mr. Tim Lam of the Early Music Society of Hong Kong, Mr. Michael Wilson who is the principal oboe of the Hong Kong Philharmonic, and Ms. Anne Lam of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Iida also performed Georg Friedrich Handel’s “Messiah” as principal second violin in the Hong Kong Cammer Musicus Baroque orchestra with renowned British Baroque musician and founder of Arcangelo, Jonathan Coen. The concert gained attention as the first historically-informed performance in Hong Kong that was also performed by Hong Kong citizens. In addition, Mr. Iida has been a guest performer in the Early Music Society of Hong Kong concert series. Mr. Iida has also performed religious works with “Die Konzertisten,” a prestigious choral ensemble from Hong Kong, in the St. John Cathedral, having built a strong relationship with the ensemble through numerous collaborations.

Mr. Iida received an official invitation from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a leading educational institution in Hong Kong, to hold an Handel Collegium concert in the Chung Chi College Chapel. Mr. Iida was also invited to be a guest conductor by Early Music Carousel Taiwan, a Baroque orchestra in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, for their concert series in December 2016. In 2017, Mr. Iida was invited to hold a Baroque masterclass by the National Sun Yat-sen University Department of Music in Taiwan. His remarkable achievements in teaching historical interpretation and performance methods have received high praise. The Handel Collegium chapel concert series was well received, featuring many guest artists from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. In January 2019, Mr. Iida performed J.S. Bach’s Mass in B Minor with members from the leading British Baroque ensemble Arcangelo. Mr. Iida has received praise from his collaborators, building a strong relationship with ensembles and musicians in Japan and overseas. Mr. Iida has led more than 150 concerts to date, including the chapel concert series. His main repertoire includes G. F. Handel (specializing in his instrumental works), H. Purcell, A. Corelli, A. Vivaldi, Lully, Couperin and J. S. Bach. Mr. Iida continues to introduce new audiences to the enchantment of Baroque music.

In Russia, where both orchestra members and audiences have high standards, Mr. Iida has been received very warmly, with local media praising him and saying, “there is no doubt that his sound will fascinate you,” and that he “has strong leadership”. Mr. Iida was the first Japanese guest conductor of the Northern Arkhangelsk Chamber Orchestra and Southern Arkhangelsk Chamber Orchestra in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, and received a standing ovation. Mr. Iida appears regularly as a guest conductor for Orchestra of the State Hermitage Museum. Mr. Iida has previously performed with Tchaikovsky St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra and Youth Symphony Orchestra of St. Petersburg.

After graduating from Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku High School’s 54th graduating class, Mr. Iida moved to the United Kingdom, and went to the Guildhall Conservatory in London, where he studied under Mr. Gerhard Schmidt, a former Vienna Philharmonic member, and Mr. Oliver Webber of London Handel Players, a master of Baroque music. After being discovered by two excellent teachers, Mr. Iida began to flourish and became devoted to Baroque music from an early stage in his career. After returning to Japan, Mr. Iida earned College Diploma from Toho Gakuen School of Music, continuing his graduate studies at Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Early Music, where he was trained under world-class leading professors of Baroque music. Mr. Iida performed Baroque ensemble works, such as J. S. Bach’s Cantatas and the St. John Passion with Mr. Masaaki Suzuki of the Bach Collegium Japan, and Telemann’s concertos with Ms. Hidemi Suzuki of the Orchestra Libera Classica.


Mr. Iida founded Handel Collegium & Academy while studying at Tokyo University of the Arts. Mr. Iida has trained many college music students and professional musicians in the Tokyo metropolitan area. His studio is a leading educational institution in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which provides classes in ensemble music and historically-informed performance. His students include freelance musicians, graduates, and students at the bachelor and graduate levels from the Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo College of Music, Toho Gakuen School of Music, Musashino Academia Musicae, Senzoku Gakuen School of Music, Kunitachi College of Music, Nihon University College of Arts, Ueno Gakuen, Toho College of Music, Doushisha Women’s College, and others who graduated from musical institutions overseas. Mr. Iida comments that, “in many music colleges, harmony, and performance methods are taught separately. The students do not know how to connect these two in actual performance. The lack of education becomes a detriment to correctly interpreting music from the Baroque and Classical eras. Students will be able to deliver better performances by knowing the harmony and performance practices of the time period and understanding the background and composer’s message behind the scores. This can be done even without holding a Baroque instrument.”

His former teachers include Mr. Kaname Miyashita, a former principal violinist of the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, and Ms. Natsumi Wakamtsu, a specialist in 18th Century orchestra and Baroque violinist of Bach Collegium Japan. Mr. Iida studied ensemble and basso continuo with Mr. Yoshio Watanabe, a fortepiano player, Mr. Masahiro Arita, a traverso player, Ms. Hidemi Suzuki, a Baroque cellist, and Mr. Masaaki Suzuki, an organist. Mr. Iida studied traditional Russian conducting at an international conducting masterclass in St. Petersburg with world-renowned conductor Mr. Alexander Polishchuk who leads opera works at the Mariinsky Theatre and Royal Opera House. Mr. Iida also studied conducting methods with Mr. Masao Kai who is a former professor at the conducting department of the Musashino Academia Musicae.



Handel Collegium(韓德爾古樂團)、City Baroque 的藝術總監。



發揮曾親手帶領Handel Collegium(韓德爾古樂團)在日本國內外的公演取得成功的才幹,將“以東京、香港、台灣等亞洲地區為中心的巴洛克音樂啟蒙活動”作為畢生事業而奮鬥。為培養優秀的學生而傾注熱情,至今教過的學生已順利進入東京藝術大學、桐朋學園大學。還指導過很多首都圈的音樂大學學生。

2017年及2018年受到香港代表性學府--香港中文大學的官方聘請,在崇基學院禮拜堂舉辦“Handel Collegium(韓德爾古樂團)海外公演”,取得了巨大的成功。作為專業的樂團,如今的ACM已發展成為古樂界的代表性樂團。香港城市室樂團的Gary Ngan先生、香港早期音樂協會的Tim Lam先生、香港管弦樂團的首席雙簧管Michael Wilson先生、香港中文大學的Anne Lam女士都曾於ACM共同演出過。還曾作為香港Cammer Musicus(古樂器樂團)的初代副首席與以英國為據點的阿爾坎傑羅樂團的藝術總監--英國人喬納森・柯恩共同演出韓德爾・彌賽亞。由於此次演出是香港首次由香港人以傳統演奏法進行的演奏會,所以備受矚目。

此後,又於2019年1月在香港與“阿爾坎傑羅樂團”的成員共同演出了巴赫的B小調彌撒曲。除此以外還客串出演Early Music Society of Hong Kong(香港早期音樂協會)的定期演奏會、與香港首屈一指的合唱團“Die Konzertisten”在聖約翰座堂共同演出宗教曲目,由此不斷加深交流,構建了深厚的信賴關係。2016年12月被聘請客串出演台灣高雄市的巴洛克管弦樂團台灣旋轉木馬古樂團的定期演奏會。2017年12月在台灣的國立中山大學音樂學部開設了其學部的首堂音樂大師課。迄今為止與飯田先生共同演出過的藝術家們都對其稱讚不已,並受到了日本國內乃至國際範圍內的信賴。迄今為止其主辦的定期演奏會、定期禮拜堂演奏會系列已累計達到160場以上,使眾多樂迷粉絲深深著迷。主要的演奏曲目較廣泛,以其擅長的蓋歐格·弗里德里希·韓德爾的器樂曲為代表,到亨利·普賽爾、阿爾坎傑羅·柯賴里、安東尼奧·韋瓦第、尚-巴蒂斯特·盧利、法蘭索瓦·庫普蘭,以及約翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴哈等,不斷將巴洛克音樂的魅力傳遞給聽眾。


從都立新宿高中(第54屆)畢業後,升入英國倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院。師從前維也納愛樂樂團演奏者--格哈德·施密特先生、倫敦韓德爾演奏者・巴洛克音樂的老師--奧利維・貝爾先生。其被兩名優秀的老師所器重,漸漸嶄露頭角,並醉心於古樂,回日本後進入桐朋學園大學完成CollegeDipoloma課程,之後一段時間曾就職於香港國家航空公司--國泰航空公司的日本分公司,後進入東京藝術大學古樂學科,在幾位引領世界的教授們的帶領下繼續了進一步的鑽研。迄今為止師從多位老師。曾受到過前讀賣日本交響樂團首席小提琴手--宮下要先生、Bach Collegium Japan・18世紀管弦樂團演奏者・巴洛克・小提琴手若松夏美女士、室內樂・大鍵琴數字低音聲部的渡邊順生先生、長笛演奏者有田正廣先生、巴洛克大提琴手鈴木秀美先生、風琴手鈴木雅明先生的指導。還在聖彼得堡國際指揮大師班,向在马林斯基剧院・皇家歌剧院等歌劇界活躍的世界級指揮家亞歷山大・堡利楚克學習了俄羅斯的傳統指揮風格。指揮技法是師從前武藏野音樂大學指揮科教授--甲斐正雄先生。

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